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Exclusive Interview with Vishwajeet Kumar: A Pro blogger and Affiliate Marketer

Hello Friends!

Today we are coming with another amazing & inspiring interview with a pro blogger. Our today’s guest is Vishwajeet Kumar from BloggingGate.  He is one of the most helpful bloggers in blogging industry and also having strong knowledge in blogging, SEO & affiliate marketing.

Here, you can also read our previous published interview of Saurabh Tiwari from TechiBhai.

Creating a blog is now not a hard task. Everyone can create a blog within a few minutes but to make this blog a successful blog is not easy as we think. Yes it’s true you can make money from your blog but it takes time, efforts & dedication because the competition is very high so you need to put genuine efforts like any other profession.

To run your blog successfully you need to be passionate & serious about blogging. You need to get regular update with your industry and follow the top players of your industries experts. What they are doing, which techniques they are following etc.

Learning is so easy as compared to earlier times. A large volume of data is available on the internet through various blogs & YouTube Channels.

If you are one of them who want to learn blogging, SEO & digital marketing then you are in the right place.

Here I’ve started an interview series of pro bloggers where they share their personal experience which will help newbie and struggling bloggers. It also gives you an idea how pro bloggers makes their blog successful.

Exclusive Interview With blogger Vishwajeet Kumar from BloggingGate.com
An Amazing Interview With Vishwajeet Kumar: A Pro Blogger And Affiliate Marketer @vishwa328

Let’s start our today’s interview with pro blogger & affiliate marketer Vishwajeet Kumar.

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Please Introduce Yourself to DigiTechTrends Readers?

Hello Saurabh, Thanks for inviting me the interview and giving me the opportunity to share my blogging journey with your readers. Hello Guys, My name is Vishwajeet Kumar. I am a full-time pro blogger (https://blogginggate.com) and Affiliate Marketer. I love to help newbies to start and grow their blog. I have been in this field from 2016.

What Is Your Educational Background? How Did You Come To Know About Blogging?

I have completed My B.B.A in 2016 From Jaipur National University. When I was in collage I love to browse the internet and since before college I have completed diploma in Advance programming language. So, Before Blogging I was just designing websites for some of my clients. When I was in final year of my graduation, I came to know about blogging and acknowledge that it is a good field it start a career. That time I am a regular reader of Amit Agarwal’s blog labnol.org.

Before You Started Blogging, What Were You Doing As a Professional?

As I have said before blogging, I was just doing freelance work and design websites for my clients. Soon after completing my graduation I jumped into blogging and choose it as my full-time career. I never regret of my decision to choose blogging as a profession.

What Are The Strengths Which Really Helped You In Blogging?

Since I have a passion to start something at my own and the internet world always fascinated me. I think my passion really helped me to drive me into the blogging. When you follow your passion then nobody can stop you to become successful in your life.

What Were The Mistakes You Made In Your Initial Days? Which You Would Suggest Newcomers Shouldn’t Do?

The biggest mistakes I made in my early days is not choosing the right niche and I think this is a big issue for newbie bloggers. A niche can be anything which you are passionate about. When you choose a topic where you have good knowledge and command then you are able to create quality content. Quality content drives more users and in this way you are able to grow your blog. Choosing the right niche is very important. It is the very fundamental step of blogging and newbie’s should consider it very carefully.

What Is The Importance Of Networking In Blogging? How Do You Do That?

Networking is very important in blogging. It helps you to grow yourself and your blog. It also helps you to build your authority online. There is no magic behind it. For me, networking happens from both sides. You need to build trust. You can do it by sharing other bloggers’ content, Feature them on your blog, do blog commenting, etc. In this way, you will grab their attention and soon it turns into a strong bonding and friendship. It definitely takes time and cannot be done in overnight. Just make your first step.

Who Has Impacted You Most In Blogging?

My Mom and my elder brother always inspire me. I feel myself lucky that I get full support from them. You know when you get support from your family then it boosts up your confidence. In this case, I am really so lucky.

What Was The Most Challenging Moment in Your Blogging Journey So Far?

Frankly, I found each and every step of my blogging challenging when I started blogging. I never enroll myself in any coaching programs. I tried everything myself and indeed I failed but I learned a lot from my failures. I have created 3 unsuccessful blogs in the first 2 years of my blogging. I have learned many things from my own personal experiences.

What’s Your Daily Routine? How Much Time do You Work on Your Blog on Daily Basis?

I really don’t have any exact timing for my work. However, I wake up around 5:00 AM and use this time to write content for my blog when the mind is fresh and ambiance is also perfect to write content peacefully. In the afternoon and night I work on Promotion activities including social media management. I usually Work 8 to 10 hrs on my blog daily including weekends.

What Are The Best Ways to Promote a Newly Built Blog?

Social media sites are the best place to promote your newly created blog. Because SEO and backlinks take some time and in this time frame social media help you to boost up your blog and get some good visitors. You can also use Web 2.0 Sites like Triberr, Medium, etc to promote your newly created blog.

What Are The Top 5 Ways To Get Free Traffic For A New Blog?

There are plenty of ways you can promote your blog. However, The best 5 methods to drive free traffic are:

For me, blogger outreach and guest posting are some of the best ways to build quality backlinks for your blog. I personally use these 2 techniques to create some quality backlinks for my blog.

Which Free/Paid Tool You Use for Blogging and Recommend it to Other Bloggers?

The tools I am currently using for my Blog are:

1. Namecheap (For my Domains)
2. Greengeeks (Hosting)
3. Yoast SEO (For SEO)
4. SEMrush (For SEO and Keyword research)
5. WPSMUSH (Image optimization)
6. CoSchedule (Analyze my post titles)
7. Google Docs and MS office (For crafting blog posts)
8. Canva (For creating images for my blog posts)

How & When Did You Make Your First Dollars? What Are Your Major Earning Sources?

My first earning from blogging was around $300. I earned it by promoting the iPage affiliate program. At that time it was a very popular web hosting company and converts very well. Till then now affiliate marketing is one of my primary earning sources.

Affiliate vs. Adsense. Which One You Suggested and Why?

Both are the good and lucrative ways to earn money from your blog. For content based blogs affiliate marketing works best. if you site is just for information purpose then go with AdSense. However, if you are able to manage this 2 programs simultaneously on your blog than you can reap maximum profits from both of them.

What Are Your Blogging Plans for the Future?

2020 is really an unprecedented year for all of us. However, My future plan is to start my own YouTube channel. I am also planning to scale up my blog by adding more problem-solving content.

Blogging vs. Vlogging.  which One is Better and Why?

Both are good. You cannot judge any of them. Blogging has its own benefits. However, People now tend to consume more visual content and found it a good medium to understand the topics. So, Creating your Own YouTube channel can be an extra advantage for you.

What Are Your Favorite Books, You Can Recommend for Bloggers?

My favorite book is “Eat that frog ” 21 great ways to stop procrastination. I highly recommend newbie bloggers to read this book.

Can You Name Some of Your Favorite Bloggers?

Well the List is very huge but I am trying to add some of them who are very close to me.

  1. Chayan Chakarbarty (Simplefactsonline.com)
  2. Santosh Gairola (Bloggingcosmos.com)
  3. Tushar Dey (Makesuccessonline.com)
  4. Anil Agarwal (Bloggerspassion.com)
  5. Mangesh Bharadwaj (Bloggingqna.com)
  6. Vivek Kumar Pandey (onehostingcenter.com)
  7. Sumit Sao (Blogginglift.com)
  8. Saurabh Tiwari (Techibhai.com)

Advice That You Want to Give DigiTechTrends for Better Traffic & Ranking.

You are really doing great with your blog. Just keep focusing on your backlinks. I hope you will soon reach heights in the blogging world. Wish you much success 🙂

Thank you Vishwajeet for your valuable time and honest reply to our questions.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the interview and learned few tips that take your blog to the next level.

If you find this interview helpful please share your feedback in the comment section. Also don’t forget to share it on your social profile.

Do subscribe to my blog to check the latest interviews of famous bloggers.

8 thoughts on “Exclusive Interview with Vishwajeet Kumar: A Pro blogger and Affiliate Marketer”

  1. Hello Saurabh,

    Thanks for inviting me and for giving me the opportunity to share my experience and blogging journey with your readers. It’s been an honor for me to be featured on your blog.

    Vishwajeet Kumar

  2. Hey Saurabh,

    This is amazing interview with Vishwajeet. I see here some of my favorite bloggers he mentioned here. Glad to see them here!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Sayem Ibn Kashem

  3. Hi Saurabh and Viswajeeth

    Glad to see the interview Viswajeeth in your blog. This is the first time I am here and finds it interesting to know more about Viswajeeth and his blogging related activities.

    Thanks, Saurabh for the interesting share. Have a great time blogging and networking with fellow bloggers.

    Reji Stephenson

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